Friday, February 4, 2011


Over a month since I've written! Too much has happened!

Since our CHRISTmas in Africa, we enjoyed a New Year's celebration with roasted goat meat and maize around a bonfire. I learned some dance moves and made a fool out of myself. One of the older teens here named Barbara worked for almost the whole night to teach me one move! I'm a slow learner ;)

My teammate Meredith and I went to Rwanda for a region wide AIM (Africa Inland Mission) conference. It was a BEAUTIFUL place, albeit expensive! During the conference I was challenged to think more about what God may be calling me to and what my response will be to the hard things. Many of you will be pleased to hear that we sung lots of hymns-and I LIKED it! ;)

While away at Rwanda-one of our little boys named Emmanuel died. He fell, hit his head and sustained a brain injury. He died within a day. It was quite a shock to all of us. Mere and I didn't make it back in time for his burial. That was probably the most difficult part of being away.

We heard the news of Emma's death just before a session at the conference. More than a little shell shocked we walked in late to the worship where we sang a song that repeated over and over "Emmanuel, God is with us." Mere and I made eye contact-that song has a new meaning for all of us at GSF now.

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