Monday, February 28, 2011

September 7, 2011

Well-it is official. I'm staying in Uganda until September 7!

Approached about 1 month ago, the directors here asked me to consider sticking around a little longer. At first I was apprehensive-I miss home! Miss the mountains, the cooler weather, the familiarity. More than I ever dreamed that I would. But, I promised to pray about it and give them an answer later.

So later came, and God just kept opening doors. It turns out that to stay an extra 2 months, I still don't have to pay a change of flight fee (amazing!), and little logistically has to be done, because I'm still staying less than a year, so am still considered short term. And people here have been so encouraging. So many doors where opening up-I just couldn't ignore it!

Today I'm starting to tell the people here. It is exciting to tell them I want to stay and invest in them a bit longer!

Meredith, my teammate and fellow nurse here, I know would love to stay. But life awaits back in the States (sounds like a song!). We have both talked about how we wish we could lead multiple lives!!! One for Stateside, one for Uganda, and one for some exotic European location! If anyone knows how to do that, please let us know. We'd both be very interested :)

I don't know exactly what needs I'll have, but I do know I'm excited! Although things here have been really, really hard, God is good and faithful and has seen me through so much already. I'm looking forward to seeing what else He is going to do :)


  1. Sarah, this is so exciting! I'm glad that God made it so clear and that He made it so seamless! Thank you for keeping us updated so often. Sounds like God is doing big things in your life, Meredith's life, and the people you are living life with. Praying for the homesickness, health, and all the things you need extra prayer for in missions!

    I'm going to be working away on a guest ranch in Wyoming through September, so our roommate plan can commence after that... as long as we both stay in the same place!!

  2. Know that you are covered in prayer by many, many back here and we are excited for your added time in Uganda. God will bless your service and your sacrifice. We love reading about your experiences. Love, Patty and Dick
